ASP.NET Interview Questions
--------------------------------------------------------------1. What is ASP.NET Application Life Cycle?
(IIS 5.0 and 6.0)
(IIS 7.0)
(Very Well Explained)
2. What is ASP.NET Page Life Cycle?
(Very Well Explained)
(Good Article. What you do in each of the events)
3. What is Application Domain? What is Application Pool? What are the differences?
How Application Pools Work (IIS 6.0) Application Pools in IIS 7
What is Application Domain
4. How do you bind the Master Page dynamically? State Management in ASP.NET
2. What is the use of Master Page in ASP.NET
3. Authentication and Authorization?
4. What is CTS and CLS?
6. Diff between Cookie and Cache?
7. Talk abt SSL? Secure Socket Layer?
C# Interview Questions
--------------------------------------------------------------1. boxing and unboxing
2. String and StringBuilder
3. Exception Handling
4. When to use Interfaces and Abstract Classes?
---------------------------1. When we have ADO.NET, why do we need LINQ?
Design Patterns
-------------------1. What are design patterns? Types of design patterns?
2. What are Anti-patterns?
3. What is refactoring? Explain different refactoring techniques?
4. Creational, Structural, Behavioural Design Patterns?
5. Singleton design pattern
-----------1. SQL Cache Dependency
2. ACID properties?
3. Ask to write a Self Join query for Employee Manager Table?
WCF Interview Questions
1. What is SOA?
2. What is WCF? Why do we need WCF? What is the adv of WCF? What is the diff between WCF and WebServices?
3. How to host a WCF Service?
4. Talk about contracts in WCF?
5. Endpoint in WCF?
6. How to generate Proxy for a WCF service?
7. Which is the namespace that you add first while creating a WCF service?
8. What is SOAP and why do we need it?
9. What are the different message exchange patterns supported by WCF?
10. When to use a MessageContract and when to use a DataContract?
11. List out the different bindings available in WCF?
MVC Interview Questions
---------------------------------1. What is MVC? What does M, V and C stand for?
2. What is ASP.NET MVC? Core features of ASP.NET MVC?
3. Which is assembly that defines MVC?
4. List different return types of controller action methods?
5. Explain Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC framework?
6. What is ViewData, TempData and ViewBag?
7. What are Action Methods in ASP.NET MVC?
8. What are Action filters in ASP.NET MVC? What are the different types? Sequence of Execution.
9. Explain MVC Application Lifecycle?
10. What is Routing in MVC? Explain Attribute based routing?
11. What is Bundling and Minification? How does Bundling increase performance?
12. What is Scaffolding?
13. What is CSRF and how do you prevent the same in MVC?
14. How do you implement Authentication and Authorization in MVC?
15. Difference between ActionResult and ViewResult?
16. Difference between each version of MVC 2,3,4,5,6?
17. How do we restrict MVC actions to be invoked only by GET or POST?
18. What is the difference between HTML.TextBox and HTML.TextBoxFor?
19. Use of Keep and Peek in TempData?
20. How to send result back in JSON format in MVC?
21. What are Partial Views in MVC?
22. How do you do validations in MVC?